Fresh and Solid

Dalli Terms and Conditions®

This Agreement is between "Dalli Market, Inc®" and all "Website Users" and "Companies" contracting with Dalli Market, Inc®, also referred to as the Dalli MarketPlace® no one has the authority to sell the Dalli MarketPlace® private information, data, intellectual property, copyrights, trade names, trade marks, or any pertinent information. No entity may sell merchandise of the Dalli Market, Inc® without a purchase agreement. Dalli Market, Inc® is held harmless against all liabilities in commerce.

Dalli Market, Inc privacy is to be held in the strictest confidence, anyone who causes damages to the company shall be responsible for all damages, including court costs, fines and and legal fees. ©Dalli Market, Inc® All Rights Reserved and may not be infringed upon.